How To Submit Music To Radio Stations?

For many artists, hearing their song on the radio represents the ultimate consecration of the implementation of their musical project. Indeed, the radio allows to reach a much larger audience. So, how do you submit to radio stations and got your music on the radio?

First of all, you should know that the space for new music in radio playlists is very small. It is therefore in your best interest to have your project ready! Radio airplay is not only excellent exposition for any band or artist, but it also introduces your music to new audiences and can truly break you through to the next level.

Sidekick Music gathered for you some advices as to how you can maximise your chances of getting your music played on the radio.

Know how to submit your music

Sound Quality

This is the most critical step in the whole process. You absolutely must submit to radio stations a piece of good sound quality. This means that it must have gone through all the stages of music creation, from choosing the title to composing and arranging it, to recording vocals, mixing and mastering.

Respect the Radio Format

This should be obvious, but to get on the radio, you’ll need to keep swearing to a minimum. Have a clean, dirty edit of your track for this reason.

Around three minutes is nowadays the perfect radio edit. There are exceptions, but you’ll notice that a hit song usually follows this rule. Creating a radio hit is an art – learn to appreciate the creative restraint that surrounds it.

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Compose an electronic/press kit

It’s a good idea to have a onesheet/digital press kit on your site for reference with your radio promotions. This information gives a glimpse into your story so you don’t have to say as much in your message.

We advise you to include in your press kit :

  • Basic information (artist’s name, genre,..)
  • Bio
  • Promotional photos
  • Music videos
  • Contact information

Target the right stations

Before you submit to radio stations Program Director you have to select stations. This may seem logical, but it must be factored into your strategy because the audience is not the same from one station to another. Some correspond more to your musical style than others and some have surely more possibilities to place new songs than others (always according to the quotas). All these elements are obviously to be taken into account.

Commercial Radio

Owned by a company known for featuring primarily pop stars, Top 40 hit-makers and mainstream powerhouses. Independent music is not as much a part of the average commercial station’s playlist, at least not until a significant number of fans or other stations carry the artist/band.

Independant Radio

College/university, non-commercial/community and online/Web radio are the best radio platforms for independent, unsigned and DIY musicians to get their music played, reach new fans and build your audience.These types of radio stations have passionate curators who want to connect with new artists and introduce your work to their engaged and supportive audiences. Audiences already invested in the programming they listen to are more attentive to the artists they hear and love.

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submit to radio station

How to submit to radio stations

In the past, music submissions were generally made on CDs. However, with the evolution of new technologies, it is equally important for new artists to understand the new ways of submitting their music to radio stations.

Many commercial radio stations use DMDS (Digital Music Delivery Service) to receive submissions. They provide figures to the radio station on performance, making sure that the “facts” you provide about the number of listeners can be verified. 

Radio pluggers mediate between you and the radio stations and usually have a long list of contacts that they have acquired over many years in the industry. These industry professionals maintain relationships with radio personalities, which gives them more influence and clout with radio stations, DJs and decision makers.

If radio stations are not enough for you, here are our 10 Music Supervisors To Get Music On TV & In Movies