In July, the rising-duo Fancy Feelings, composed of Oli Chang (Animal Feelings), most known for the celebrated ambient dream-pop of High Highs, a long-running collaboration with Jack Milas, and the leader of psych pop band Fancy Colors Zac Colwell, released their summer anthem ‘Summer of Love’. This one is the culminating effort of this duo’s first foray into sun soaked, and oft whimsical disco-pop records.
And great news, they just unveiled its creative remix pack, featuring a variety of remixes from remixers such as Jerry Edgar, LVSN, Brett & Butter, Mark James and the elusive “Mix for Lovers” whatever you taste is there is a remix here for you. Mark James out of Australia gives us a tech house remix, LVSN give us a en vogue dance remix, Brett & Butter created a funky almost trap remix and the Mix for Lovers takes us right back to the 80s.