Comprised of the talented singer-songwriter/DJ Hundred Thousands and production wizard/DJ Slug Father, Brooklyn-based duo Supertaste share “Super Classic” via Casablanca Sunset Records – the first taste of their eponym Super Classic EP, which is due out for release later in 2021.
Listen 'Super Classic':
“Super Classic” features a funky disco bass line paired with buoyant pop vocals, smooth synths, groovy guitar chords and a rich tapestry of club-inspired rhythms. It’s an uplifting song about feeling confident, in love and good about yourself. The cross-genre single combines elements of indie dance production with warm indie-pop melodies.
When asked on the meaning behind the song, Supertaste adds, “The setting of this song in our heads is really like a ‘Fear & Loathing’ vibe—but make it a first date in NYC—trying to capture the energy of the city at 2:00 a.m. on a summer night, that electricity of a new romance, the intoxicating heartbeat of the nightlife”.