Ultimate Guide: Submit Your Music to Radio Stations with LISTN

If you’re an artist, chances are, you are familiar with the challenges of efficiently promoting your music. One of the most effective ways to increase your reach and get your tracks heard by a larger audience is by submitting your music to radio stations. While this might seem daunting and time-consuming, our revolutionary tool, LISTN, simplifies this process, ensuring your music gets the exposure it deserves.

At LISTN, we understand the importance of global reach and the potential impact that radio exposure can have on an artist’s career. Our platform stands out in the market as the go-to solution for submitting music to radio stations by offering artists an unparalleled ability to send tracks to over 2,000 radio stations across 100 countries. With guaranteed responses within 15 days, LISTN not only saves artists time but also offers musicians the opportunity to focus on their craft and leave the music promotion to us.

What sets LISTN apart from the competition is our commitment to providing value and trust in our service. In the event that a response isn’t received within the stipulated timeframe, the credits for the submission are refunded to the user’s account for future use. This shows our dedication to ensure that every submission has maximum impact and generates the best possible results.

In this ultimate guide, we will walk you through the process of submitting music to radio stations using LISTN, discuss the advantages of our service, and offer tips and tricks to maximize the exposure of your music. By using LISTN, you’ll not only increase your chances of getting your music played on air, but you’ll also become part of a community that is reshaping the way artists promote their music worldwide. So, let’s get started on our journey to radio success!

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Step 1: Prepare Your Submission Materials

The first step in submitting your music to radio stations is ensuring your submission materials are top-notch. These materials include your tracks, artist biography, press release, and professional images. High-quality, eye-catching materials increase the likelihood of a radio station taking interest in your music, so make sure to invest time in creating these essential elements.


Ensure your music is professionally mixed and mastered, as radio stations often prioritize tracks with a polished sound. Additionally, having both clean (radio-edited) and explicit versions of your music can improve your chances of airplay, as each radio station has its own guidelines regarding explicit content.

Artist Biography

Your artist biography should provide an engaging and concise overview of your background, accomplishments, and goals as a musician. Show what makes you unique and sets you apart within the music industry. Keep it succinct, focusing on your most significant achievements and avoiding overloading it with information.

Press Release

A press release can grab attention, especially when sharing news about a new album, single, or tour. Keep your press release short and to the point, highlighting essential details and making them stand out with bullet points or bold text, if appropriate.

Professional Images

High-resolution, professional images are essential to showcase your image as an artist. Make sure to have a variety of shots, including promotional photos, live performance shots, and album artwork, available for radio stations to choose from.

Step 2: Create Your LISTN Account and Choose the Right Package

Once your submission materials are ready, visit listn.live to create your LISTN account. After signing up, choose the package that best suits your needs and budget. LISTN offers flexible packages, allowing you to customize your radio station submissions based on your unique requirements.

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Step 3: Use LISTN’s Radio Identification Tool

The soon-to-be-released radio identification tool on LISTN will identify the most suitable radio stations for your music. By using this cutting-edge tool, you will maximize your music’s chances of being accepted and played on air. Keep an eye out for this feature because it’s going to be a game-changer when it comes to targeting radio stations effectively.

Step 4: Submit Your Music to Radio Stations with LISTN

Once you have chosen the most suitable radio stations, use LISTN’s user-friendly submission system to send your tracks to the selected broadcasters. As soon as your music is submitted, LISTN guarantees a response within 15 days, greatly increasing your chances of getting your music heard and gaining traction in the industry.

Step 5: Track and Analyze Your Results

After submitting your music, LISTN provides a comprehensive tracking system to monitor the progress of your submissions. Keep an eye on your submission status and analyze any feedback you receive from radio professionals. This feedback is invaluable, as it can provide insight into why your music was or wasn’t selected for airplay and help you better target radio stations in the future.

Tips and Tricks to Maximize Your Music Exposure

In addition to following these recommended steps for using LISTN, implementing the following tips can further increase your chances of successful radio promotion:

Research Your Target Audience

Identify your target audience and target radio stations that cater to the musical preferences of those listeners. This ensures that your music is reaching the ears of those most likely to appreciate and respond positively to it.

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Network with Industry Professionals

Develop relationships with music industry professionals, such as radio hosts and station directors. Networking can create opportunities for interviews, collaborations, and cross-promotions, which can lead to increased exposure for your music.

Capitalize on Social Media

Utilize social media to promote your radio submissions and engage with fans, radio hosts, and fellow musicians. Social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter can significantly increase the buzz around your music, drawing the attention of radio stations.

Leverage Press and Publicity

Gain exposure by pursuing non-radio opportunities such as interviews, podcasts, blog features, and more. Radio stations often prioritize artists with a significant online presence and media exposure, so diversifying your promotional efforts can boost your chances of landing airplay.


By using LISTN’s unique tools, features, and resources, you can take control of your music promotion and dramatically increase your chances of radio airplay. Invest in high-quality submission materials, diligently research radio stations, target those that cater to your audience, actively engage with industry professionals, and capitalize on the power of press and online promotions. With this winning strategy, combined with the unparalleled services offered by our music promotion platform, your music will gain the global exposure it deserves, setting you on the path to a successful career in the music industry.