Create Your Spotify & Apple Music Playlists From DJ Sets

Have you ever wanted to create music playlists based on your favorite DJ sets, directly on Spotify or Apple Music in just one click? Well, it’s now possible, with the brand new Playlistify web app.

Create Spotify and Apple Music playlists from DJ sets :

This streaming tool was created by Reddit user u/iAligator, and allows fans to make their own playlists from, and All you need to do is enter the tracklist’s URL over on and.. that’s all! It generates the playlist for you.

Create Spotify & Apple Music Playlists From DJ Sets

This app is a real game-changer for electronic music, in particular for finding with ease all these hidden gems from DJ sets, that you don’t want to miss. Try this, and do not hesitate to give some feedback to the author!

H/T: EDM Tunes

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